[Velololve Test] Test4 from skisby at web.net

Steve Kisby skisby at web.net
Thu Sep 10 20:44:00 PDT 2009

Velolove Announcements:

First, my apologies if you received more than one copy of this announcement. Some on the list did not receive earlier copies due to some automated spam killer out on the net somewhere. This version hopefully gets received by everyone.



Midnight Mass Bike Ride
Thursday, September 10

Do you have a bike and like riding at night? Bring your lights and friends, your exploratory attitude, something warm to drink, and join the ride!

Meet 11:45 pm at Grandview Park (Commercial Drive at Charles Street -- across from the Havana and Turks) and roll at midnight. 

The ride happens the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month, so mark your calendars. Tell your bike loving friends, and hope to see you there!

For more information and videos:
More photos at www.flickr.com/photos/midnightmass

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