[Velololve Test] Midnight Mass Bike Ride, Volunteer Meeting: Bridge to a Cool Planet, and more...
Critical Mass Vancouver
vancouver at velolove.bc.ca
Thu Sep 10 14:06:57 PDT 2009
Velolove Announcements:
Midnight Mass Bike Ride
Thursday, September 10
Do you have a bike and like riding at night? Bring your lights and friends, your exploratory attitude, something warm to drink, and join the ride!
Meet 11:45 pm at Grandview Park (Commercial Drive at Charles Street -- across from the Havana and Turks) and roll at midnight.
The ride happens the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month, so mark your calendars. Tell your bike loving friends, and hope to see you there!
For more information and videos:
More photos at www.flickr.com/photos/midnightmass
Critical Manners Ride -- CANCELLED
Friday, September 11
>From the organizer at http://criticalmanners.wordpress.com
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Ride Postponed
I'm amazed and inspired by how strong a chord was struck by cyclists fed up with being painted by the Critical Mass brush, and how many came out to support the first Vancouver Critical Manners Ride.
Unfortunately, as it sometimes does to the best of volunteers, life happened and I'm not able to continue to organize or lead the next Critical Manners ride.
But never fear! There are still some great opportunities to get involved in the local cycling community, get involved in advocacy that actually makes a difference to the cycling community and ride with other like-minded pedal pushers.
Join your local chapter of the Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition [ http://vacc.bc.ca ], and keep your eye on Pedal Etiquette [ http://www.pedaletiquette.com ].
The VACC has some upcoming courses on riding safely and legally in traffic. Theyre also partnering with MEC to put on a number of Great Rides throughout the lower-mainland. And don't forget, Bike to Work Week Fall Edition is coming up.
Pedal Etiquette is an emerging group, focused on riding (and walking, and driving) respectfully every day. I'm excited to see how it develops.
And of course, if you'd like to pick up the torch and take on the leadership of Critical Manners, please email criticalmanners.vancouver [at] gmail [dot] com!
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You may still be able to post comments at http://criticalmanners.wordpress.com
You may still be able to participate at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=110940954087
Volunteer Meeting: Bridge to a Cool Planet
Monday, September 14
The climate talks in Copenhagen this December are crucial -- they must lead to an international agreement to stop global warming. This fall we need to come together and, with one voice, call on government to show bold leadership at these talks. On Saturday, October 24th, we invite you to come have fun with your friends and neighbors while sending a strong message to Ottawa: make us proud in Copenhagen!
What's happening in Vancouver on the 24th:
11 am gather on the Cambie Street Bridge!
Noon: parade across the bridge, along Pacific Bvd to Science World -- bring your group's banner, come dressed as your favorite endangered animal or fossil fool!
3 pm: music, food, workshops, advocacy and celebration at Science World -- send a personal message to Ottawa, learn something new, enjoy yourself!
7 pm: inspirational speakers, movies at Christ Church Cathedral, 690 Burrard St at the NE corner of Georgia and Burrard
Full details at http://www.bridgecoolplanet.ca
We need your help! We'd love your help in making this day a huge success. Volunteer by attending the orientation meeting on Monday, September 14th, at the Western Canada Wilderness Committee offices -- 341 Water Street between 5 and 7 pm. http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=129402042157&ref=mf
Can't make it Monday? Get involved here: http://www.bridgecoolplanet.ca/en/get_involved.php
We need to build a movement! If we are going to achieve the scale of changes needed to stop global warming, everyone is going to have to get involved. Please encourage your organisation, business, church, cultural group and sports team to take part in this day. Invite your friends, colleagues, neighbours and grandparents too. Spread the word! Together we can send a strong message that it is time for action. This is our future, and this is our time to make a difference.
6th Annual VeloMutations
Friday, September 18 to Sunday, September 20
VeloMutations is Vancouver's sixth annual festival of bicycle arts and culture. This weekend long showcase features fun and crazy rides, bike games, bike-in movies, a dance party and performances. VeloMutations has in the past featured bike film nights, races, competitions, the Canadian debut of Portland's Sprockettes, guerilla art installations, Alley Kittens, midnight bike rides as well as VeloMutation -- the party. This event is produced in associated with The East Van Crown bike polo tournament.
Call for participants! Interested in volunteering, performing, and/or organizing an event? Contact velomutations at gmail.com
For more information, visit http://www.velomutation.com or http://www.bikesinside.com
1st International Women's Hardcourt Bike Polo Tournament
Friday, September 18
The Ladies Army Presents a one day extravaganza of female polo talent brought to you by the women of East Van and the ladies of Cascadia.
Starts 12:00pm
Grandview Park, Vancouver, BC (intersection of Charles Street and Commercial Drive)
For more information, visit http://www.evbp.ca/node/36
Bike Shorts Film Festival
Friday, September 18
This will be the greatest Bike Shorts yet! The most professional line up of films to date, best location (Science World -- 1455 Quebec Street, 604-443-7443) and it will even be licensed (come and have a drink before the show).
7:30pm showtime -- doors open at 6:30pm (come down early for a drink)
Secure Valet parking - Ride your nicest bike and it will be guarded by the good people of the VACC.
You may buy tickets from:
Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition - info at vacc.bc.ca - 604-878-8222
Jett Grrl Bike Studio - 247 Union Street - 604-255-5097
Bike Doctor - 137 East Broadway - 604-873-2453
On the Rivet - 8 East Broadway - 604-677-0700
Cambie Cycles - 3317 Cambie Street - 604-874-3616
Bikes on the Drive - 1350 Commercial Drive - 604-215-7433
Or email director(at)bikeshorts.ca
We look forward to seeing you there!
For more information, visit http://www.bikeshorts.ca
East Van Crown Hardcourt Bike Polo Tournament
Saturday, September 19 and Sunday, September 20
East Van will have its third annual major tourney, The East Van Crown. All y'all mark yer calendars and make sure you are in beautiful Vancouver, B.C., Canada on Friday, September 18, 2009 for partays and then polo all weekend long! The East Van Crown will be played on the Saturday and Sunday. On Friday, the Ladies Army are hosting the first ever all women's hardcourt bicycle polo tournament. Velomutations will also be on this weekend so there will be films, performances, parties, rides, beer, food, ...
Starts 11:00am
Grandview Park, Vancouver, BC (intersection of Charles Street and Commercial Drive)
For more information, contact mrmartinhauck at hotmail.com, 604-833-7570 or visit http://www.evbp.ca/node/23
Pedal Revolutionary Radio
Friday, September 25
10:30am to Noon Pacifica time, last Friday of every month.
The revolution is advancing! We now proudly hoist the velorutionary banner from the People's radio station, Co-op (CFRO), as part of the Sound Resistance brigade. New bunker, same front. Contact us with thoughts, actions, news & declarations at pedalrevolutionary (at} gmail {d0t} com
~ Listen live at 102.7fm CFRO in Vancouver ~
~ Streaming via the Internet at http://coopradio.org ~
Radio for today's cyclist.
More info and show archives: http://pedalrevolutionary.blogspot.com
Pedal Revolutionary Radio: Igniting the airwaves since 2000
Critical Mass "We Mean Bidniz" Ride and Roll
Friday, September 25
Wear your best business suit!
Join fellow bicyclists, skaters, and bladers for this leisurely and spirited celebratory ride and roll through the streets of Vancouver. Meet at the Vancouver Art Gallery on the Georgia Street side between 5:00 and 5:30 p.m. -- and roll and ride at 6:00 p.m. The ride is on rain or shine! Decorated bicycles, trailers, signs, flags, noisemakers, gettoblasters, sound systems, drums, and wildly modified bicycles are all highly encouraged!
Pre-rides to Critical Mass:
UBC riders meet at the UBC Bike Hub, on the north east end of the Student Union Building, at 4:30 p.m. for a group ride to the Vancouver Art Gallery. Phone 604-822-BIKE for details.
East Van riders meet 4:00 p.m., leaving 4:30 p.m., from Grandview Park, 1200-block Commercial Drive, for a group ride to the Vancouver Art Gallery.
Celebrated around the world, Critical Mass is a grassroots reclamation of public space -- on the last Friday of the month -- which allows cyclists and other self-propelled people to move safely and comfortably through city streets in a car-free space. Non-polluting forms of transportation are promoted.
For more information:
vancouver at velolove.bc.ca
Critical Mass Vancouver on Facebook:
Worldwide details may be found at:
criticalmassrides.info or www.critical-mass.org
Upload/View Vancouver Critical Mass Photos at Flickr.com:
Premiere of the film "The Idiot Cycle"
Friday, September 25
JPS films has produced a film titled "The Idiot Cycle" about chemical companies who pour toxins into the evironment and also make drugs to profit from treating the ensuing cancers. The film premieres in Vancouver.
Venue: Empire Granville 7, 855 Granville Street
Date: September 25, 2009
Time: 7:00 pm
They have offered to donate $2 from each ticket sold for the premiere to the Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition (VACC).
Tickets can be purchased online at http://www.ticketstonight.ca/ticketstonight/event.details.php?id=2658
For more information on the film, visit www.theidiotcycle.com
Vancouver Special: The Tour
Saturday, September 26
This is the inaugural Vancouver Heritage Fundation Special Tour. A one-day, self guided tour of five uniquly renovated and privately-owend "Vancouver Specials" where you'll experience the stories of those homes. Presented by Make Design + Build, http://www.makedb.com
12:00 Noon to 5:00 pm
Cost is $25
For tickets and more information, visit http://vancouverheritagefoundation.org/projects/vancouver_special.html
MEC Great Rides: Port Coquitlam
Sunday, September 27
Explore Metro Vancouver by bike on four great rides. The Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition's MEC Great Rides are here to prove two things once and for all -- riding a bike is fun, and the Vancouver region is the best place for biking in the world!
The third ride in the series features one of the easiest and best off-road, flat bike loops in Metro Vancouver - the PoCo Trail. This part gravel, part paved, and part boardwalk trail circles Port Coquitlam in a 24-kilometre circle following the dikes along the Fraser and Pitt Rivers and the banks of the Coquitlam River. The trail passes through wild areas close to the heart of this vibrant community. Combined with the Rivers and Trails Festival, music at Peace Park along the river, and a perfect fall day's ride around Port Coquitlam, this will be a wonderful day out.
Check-in time is between 10am and 12:30pm. Take advantage of bike mechanics at both the start point and at the Rivers and Trails Festival, pick up a map booklet, and enjoy the refreshments along the route. Bike valet parking is available at the festival, and every registered rider gets a goody bag with cool gear from MEC, plus a route booklet you can get stamped to show you have done the ride.
Pre-register online for $15 per person (16 years & under ride for free), or register on the day for $20. Sign up online before Friday, September 25 at http://www.greatrides.ca and be entered to win a gift basket!
For more information, visit http://www.greatrides.ca
"Green Skyline" wrap-up party with the B:C:Clettes
Sunday, September 27
The Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition (VACC) and the Cascadia Region Green Building Council will host bicycle and talking tours of ecological residential buildings in the Vancouver area, with a free wrap-up party from 3:00 to 5:00 pm at the Southeast False Creek seawall (unconfirmed). Mingle with green building professionals, owners from the day's tours, and the interested public. The wrap-up party will feature performances by Orkestra Silvovika and the B:C:Clettes.
For more information, or for ticket information for the full tour, visit http://www.cascadiagbc.org/education/residential
Go Green, Go Dutch, Go Bike event
Saturday, October 3, 2009
This ride is scheduled for 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Starting at the meadows along Sunset Beach, at Pacific Street, the ride will follow the sea wall around the Fraser inlet and will end at the open space underneath the Burrard bridge, next to the Aquatic Centre. The event has a charitative element build in as they would like to donate some bicycles to needy Vancouver children.
The ride organizers are looking for volunteers to help with the following:
* setting the route along the sea wall before hand,
* manning a stand at the Dutch Market at the end of the ride,
* helping out with the registration at the event,
* dressing the event.
They also need help to publicize this event as wide as possible within the community in Vancouver.
For more information or to help, contact the organizers, Jacob Koedood & Ineke de Hoog, at jacob.koedood at minbuza.nl
Bridge to a Cool Planet: Coming together to fight Global Warming
Saturday, October 24
The climate talks in Copenhagen this December are crucial -- they must lead to an international agreement to stop global warming. This fall we need to come together and, with one voice, call on government to show bold leadership at these talks. On Saturday the 24th, we invite you to come have fun with your friends and neighbors while sending a strong message to Ottawa: make us proud in Copenhagen!
What's happening in Vancouver on the 24th:
11 am gather on the Cambie Street Bridge!
Noon: parade across the bridge, along Pacific Bvd to Science World -- bring your group's banner, come dressed as your favorite endangered animal or fossil fool!
3 pm: music, food, workshops, advocacy and celebration at Science World -- send a personal message to Ottawa, learn something new, enjoy yourself!
7 pm: inspirational speakers, movies at Christ Church Cathedral, 690 Burrard St at the NE corner of Georgia and Burrard
Full details at http://www.bridgecoolplanet.ca
Burrard Bridge Bike Lanes
Bike Over the Bridge
After years of close calls, conflicts, and collisions between people who walk and cycle over Burrard Bridge, as of Monday, July 13, you can finally cycle and walk safely over Burrard Bridge. During the Protected Bike Lanes Trial, a southbound traffic lane is reallocated to create a southbound bike lane separated from traffic by barriers, the east sidewalk is reserved for northbound cyclists while the west sidewalk is reserved for north and southbound pedestrians.
For the trial to be successful, lots people need to cycle and walk over the bridge.
There are plenty of great reasons to go over the Bridge especially during the Summer:
- Go over the bridge on route to Kits Beach, English Bay, Stanley Park or Granville Island.
- Enjoy dinner and a drink on a patio.
- Have a picnic on the beach.
- Take the long way to work over Burrard Bridge
- Take the long way home over the Bridge
- Go to a movie or a play
- Go to the wonderful Velocity exhibition at the Museum of Vancouver
The bottom line is: use it or lose it!
By helping to make the one lane trial a success, you will send a strong message to the Mayor and Council that a two lane reallocation is the best permanent solution. The two lane reallocation would enable pedestrians to use both the west and east sidewalks while cyclists would have a lane separated from traffic for both directions. In the trial beginning on July 13, pedestrians will be banned from the east sidewalk which will be reserved for northbound cyclists. The banning of pedestrians from the east sidewalk is not an acceptable solution.
Contact Mayor and Council
Please email the mayor and city council: gregor.robertson at vancouver.ca, clranton at vancouver.ca, clrcadman at vancouver.ca, clrchow at vancouver.ca, clrdeal at vancouver.ca, clrjang at vancouver.ca, clrlouie at vancouver.ca, clrmeggs at vancouver.ca, clrreimer at vancouver.ca, clrstevenson at vancouver.ca, clrwoodsworth at vancouver.ca
If you wish to call them, their numbers can be found here:
Join the Facebook Group
For those of you on Facebook, please join the group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=44613493519
And invite your friends. Lets get over a 1000 members to show that there is a lot of support for the trial.
Contact the Media
Write letters to the editor and phone radio call-in shows letting them know you support the trial. Stay positive and avoid conflict with motorists.
More Information
City of Vancouver:
Burrard Bridge Blog:
Councillor Megges has a good summary of the history of the Burrard Bridge process:
VCC's Burrard Bridge Protected Lanes Trial page:
Mobility Matters
The livability of urban regions is closely tied to daily transportation choices...
Did you know that in British Columbia, about half of household transportation greenhouse gas (GhG) emissions come from non-commuting activities, often of short distance and duration, that could readily be made by other transportation modes?
Getting out of single-occupancy vehicles and into biking, walking, rolling and transit is a key way to ensure Metro Vancouver's sustainability. Mobility Matters gives you a charitable tax receipt for the fair market value of your donated vehicle, a reduction in your family's carbon footprint by 4-5 tonnes per year, and a Coop Auto car in your neighbourhood.
For more information, visit http://www.mobilitymattersbc.com/
! Critical Mass Vancouver www.velolove.bc.ca !
! vancouver at velolove.bc.ca !
_ _ __.. .__o Last Friday of Every Month
- -_--.- _`\<,_ 5:30 pm Van. Art Gallery
( ( (( (_)/ (_) Wear a Costume!
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